Bereavement Therapy Leeds

What Is Your Grief Like?

 Do you or your family member suffer from bereavement?

Are you feeling stuck in your grief?

Do you experience a range of emotions such as overwhelming sadness anger or loneliness?

Do you have a feeling that you could have done or said more to the person who is no longer there?

Were you not able to say goodbye properly and you feel bad over it?

Does your grief have an element of guilt or shame in it?

Bereavement Therapy

If you answer yes to any of these questions I will be able to help you!

Counselling For Bereavement Therapy  Will:

grief counselling

Help you to make sense of your grief.

Help you find the strength and tools to move on.

Help you to go through the process of grief with reduced intensity.

Help you to reconnect with the positive memories of the person you have lost.

Help you to gently direct your brain towards focusing on the good images rather than disturbing images.

Help you to discuss funeral arrangements.

Help You to Boost the Self-Esteem.


Hypnotherapy For Grief Will:

Help you to move on without the pain of overwhelming guilt.

Help you to get rid of the disturbing images of the person who has passed away.

Help you to get rid of flashbacks or nightmares related to bereavement.

Allow you to access a feeling of calmness and strength.

Empower and motivate you to get things done.

It’s time to change your life for the better, make the next step

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