If you’re carrying around trauma in your body, it can feel like a heavy burden to bear. But there are ways to release this trauma and start to heal. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the techniques that can help you let go of the trauma and begin to heal. We’ll also look at how trauma can impact your body and what you can do to start feeling better.




1. Identify The Source Of Your Trauma


Trauma can arise from a variety of sources and be shaped by many different environments, relationships, and experiences. Identifying the source of one’s trauma is often the first and most difficult step in healing. Examining how our core beliefs were forged and looking within to gain insight into unhealed wounds or recurring patterns can help us better understand where our pain comes from. It may take time to introspect and process what we uncover, but addressing it with compassion is key to successful transformation.


talking to someone


2. Talk To Someone Who Can Help You Process Your Feelings About The Trauma


It can be difficult to come to terms with the emotions surrounding a traumatic experience. That’s why it’s so important to have people in your life who you can trust and talk to about what has happened. Talking to someone can provide comfort and can also help you find better ways of coping with the emotional struggles that follow traumatic events. When talking, it is important to feel respected, heard, and valued – not judged. Qualified mental health professionals or support groups are often excellent resources for individuals in need of extra support when processing trauma. In some cases, even self-reflection and journaling can prove helpful when reflecting on these experiences.




3. Write Down Your Thoughts And Feelings About The Trauma


Writing down my thoughts and feelings about the trauma I experienced has been a way for me to begin the healing process. It forces me to confront my emotions, both negative and positive, in order to find clarity and work through them in a meaningful way. Expressing my thoughts and feelings gives me a way to externalize them as opposed to internalizing or suppressing them. It also offers me a chance to understand how my experiences have impacted me, develop insights regarding how to navigate similar situations better in the future, and heal from the pain caused by the trauma slowly but surely.


safe and secure


4. Create A List Of Things That Make You Feel Safe And Secure


Feeling safe and secure is an essential part of life and creating a list of things that give you a sense of safety can be very helpful in times of stress or unease. Everyone’s personal list will be different, but some examples could include having a secure home and job, staying connected to supportive friends and family, engaging in self-care practices like meditation, exercise, or journaling, or even something as simple as keeping favorite items close by; each person needs to determine what makes them feel most secure. Ultimately, finding ways to quiet the mental chatter and create peace of mind regardless of the ever-changing conditions around us is essential.




5. Practice Self-Care, Including Relaxation Techniques And Exercise.


Taking care of yourself is an incredibly important part of the journey to a better, healthier life. Whether it be taking a moment to read, go on a walk, or do some yoga, any physical activity or relaxation technique can help reduce stress, increase concentration, and even encourage a positive outlook on life. Exercise especially can help promote improved mental health by releasing endorphins and improving sleep quality which are crucial for long-term well-being. So make sure to take time each day for self-care practices to cultivate your best self and enjoy the result.




6. Connect With Your Spirituality


For many people, maintaining a connection to their spiritual or religious beliefs can be a powerful source of comfort during times of difficulty. Whether it be through prayer, meditation, or rituals, finding a way to connect with your spiritual side can help you to better understand yourself and the experiences that have shaped who you are. For some, this could mean attending religious services; for others, it might include spending time in nature or connecting with the divine within themselves.




7. Seek Professional Help If Needed.


Taking the time to ask for help from a professional can be one of the most valuable decisions we make. A qualified EMDR therapist or counselor can provide insight, gain perspectives, and offer coping strategies in ways that no one else can. It is important to understand that there is no shame in seeking assistance when a problem becomes too much to handle alone – regardless of how minor or major it may seem. It is also essential to acknowledge that it takes courage and strength to dialogue with someone about our perceptions, feelings, or concerns. No one should be embarrassed about requesting support; instead, everyone deserves the opportunity to obtain help if needed as part of their own journey toward personal well-being.






We all have our own unique traumatic experiences, but it doesn’t mean we can’t work through them. Trauma does not have to control our lives. The most important steps for confronting your trauma are identifying the source, discussing and writing down your feelings, creating a list of things that bring you comfort, and practicing self-care. If needed, seek professional help to guide you through this difficult process. EMDR therapy can also be considered to help in the healing process because it can help to process the traumatic memory in a more meaningful and productive manner. We can gain strength and resilience from our traumas when we take the time and effort to confront them head-on. Creating a plan to deal with trauma is an invaluable tool for managing stressful or overly emotional situations; being prepared in advance can be the key difference between feeling safe or feeling overwhelmed in moments of distress. No matter how long or recent your experience is, it is never too late to begin healing.