Everyone has different kinds of thoughts, and it is a normal part of everyday life. However, some people deal with intrusive thoughts that can be very disturbing and difficult to get rid of. So how to deal with intrusive thoughts when they start popping up in your mind?




Why Do We Get Intrusive Thoughts?


Before we talk about how to free your mind from intrusive thoughts, it is important to understand why people get them. So what causes these bothersome thoughts?

In general, intrusive thoughts are usually caused by a problem or issue that is affecting someone’s life. For example, they could be related to a breakup, a traumatic experience, the death of a loved one, etc. That is not to say that these kinds of thoughts cannot be the result of other factors such as drug use or a medical condition.


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How To Deal With Intrusive Thoughts


Now let’s talk about the different ways to free your mind from intrusive thoughts




1. Accepting the Thoughts


The first thing you need to do when you get an intrusive thought is to accept it for what it is. Getting upset, angry or annoyed at yourself for having such thoughts will not solve the problem. Do not punish yourself because of them, and keep telling yourself that it is okay to have these. If you do so, you may start associating these negative feelings with the thought, and this could lead to a vicious cycle. Just accept whatever thoughts come into your head, no matter how crazy or disturbing they may seem. However, if you are in a situation where you need to do something important, put these thoughts out of your mind. For example, if you have thought about doing something violent, recognize it as just a fleeting thought. Do not give it much importance so that the thought doesn’t turn into something bothersome, and that is how to deal with intrusive thoughts.


do something great


2. Realize what’s Real and What’s Not


The next thing you need to do is realize that these thoughts are just in your head and they do not have any meaning or significance. You cannot control what you think, but you can control your reaction to those thoughts. What that means is that although these thoughts may seem real to you, they are not real in a physical sense. They only exist inside your head, and they don’t mean anything. The next time an intrusive thought pops into your head, realize that it is not real and that there is no reason to believe in such nonsense.


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3. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy


How to deal with intrusive thoughts via CBT? Another good option is to look into cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). CBT helps you identify the problematic thought patterns that lead to faulty reactions. A therapist will assist you with this process, which involves thinking about how your thoughts influence your emotions and behaviours. Doing so helps you think more rationally and deal with the issue in a more constructive way.

In CBT, therapists teach strategies that help you control your thoughts and reactions. This way, you can increase your sense of well-being and manage any mental health concerns properly. So if you need to rid yourself of intrusive thoughts, then this is a good option for you.


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4. EMDR Therapy


Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy is another option you might want to consider. This type of therapy has been proven effective in treating individuals who are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). People with PTSD experience flashbacks or frightening thoughts related to their trauma.

During the EMDR process, your therapist will trigger these memories you have of the trauma and desensitize them. When this is done, your mind can process the memory in a more constructive way where it is viewed as a past event that no longer has control over your life. Once you rid yourself of such thoughts, they will not bother you anymore, and that is how to deal with intrusive thoughts using EMDR.


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5. Find Out the Triggers


You should always try to determine what triggers such thoughts. For example, you could be having such an intrusive thought because of a certain medication you are taking or because of something that happened in your past. You might even have consumed too much caffeine or sugar, and this is why these thoughts popped into your head in the first place.

If that is the case, then try to avoid whatever it is that triggers your thoughts. You can also consult your doctor for help in dealing with such issues. This way, you will know what you should do to get rid of these thoughts and how you can live a happier life without them.


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6. Bring Positive Changes In Your Daily Routine


If you want to rid yourself of intrusive thoughts, then you should try engaging in a more positive lifestyle. You can start by doing the things that make you happy and motivate you. For example, if your goal is to become a professional athlete, then join a club for a sport-related activity and practice every day.

You might also want to consider travelling and discovering new places, eating healthier and exercising more. All these things will help you bring about positive changes in your life, and you will feel good about yourself as well. This is because we tend to think more clearly when we are confident and happy about ourselves.




7. Implement Mindfulness Into Your Life


Finally, mindfulness can be a good way to deal with intrusive thoughts. This approach involves focusing on your breath and observing your surroundings in a more constructive manner. If you find that you are having such thoughts, then simply acknowledge them but don’t get involved with them.

That means rather than getting anxious about these thoughts or trying to get rid of them; mindfulness teaches us to live in the present. Our thoughts will always be there, but when we practise mindfulness, we accept them and do not feed into them. Rather than ruminating or dwelling about these thoughts, our focus should be on the task at hand, which will help us get rid of intrusive thinking in no time.






If you want to rid yourself of intrusive thoughts, then try these approaches and implement them into your life. Keep in mind that not one approach will work for everyone, and you might need to try out more than one until you find the right solution for you.